My new package of bees came in Friday! The weather was in the low 60’s and I got them into the hive in less than 10 minutes. (Will made me my sugar syrup while I was on the way home. What a great husband!) And then Sunday and Monday it snowed another foot… This is our yard. You can see the beehive way off in the distance covered in snow.

Look at this freshly fallen snow in April! Off in the back left is the beehive covered in snow.
This is my 4th time hiving bees from a package and I don’t want to sound pompous but I’ve become pretty darn good at it. I will eventually go back in and add text because you can’t hear everything I say, but my video editor is having issues at the moment. I have the whole video on youtube here:
These bees are from a new beekeeper. After 4 bad queens from the other beekeeping supply, I found a supplier that has a QUEEN GUARANTEE! I really hope I don’t need to use it! Like the other supply, they also get their bees from Georgia but from a completely different apiary. Anyway, they are called “Barker’s Bees” and the owner lives up to my assumption that all beekeepers are amiable, downright nice people. And he builds and sells really beautiful hives! Oh and did I mention its 30 minutes closer each way? Here’s me with my package upon pick up:

Me with my new package of bees.
And I decided to give my new queen a nice “American” name. Betsy. Not a queenly name you say? Well I’m not picturing the elegant dainty queens of Europe. Forget those. I’m picturing a down to earth woman of formidable stature and some birthin’ hips.