All the Bows

Julius started preschool last week!  Will picked him up from his first day and asked what was his favorite part of the day.  He responded, “Everything was my favorite!”  From there he told us multiple tales of the kids in his classes.  I guess he liked it!  Since the first day he has been a little bit more reserved in describing his day to us.  He actually won’t tell me ANYTHING that isn’t made up!  It is extremely frustrating to me, but as Will so thoughtfully reminded me, “get used to more of this for the next 15 years.”  Great!

First day of preschool!

Patricia is getting more Daddy 1:1 time throughout the day now.  For some reason that has lead to sleeping really terribly at night now.  I know I can’t complain too much since she was a champion sleeper from day one, but we thought we dodged this bullet!  She eats a TON of solid food now and really prefers solids to milk now.  We’ll see what her doctor says at the next appointment, but it seems that she’s getting bigger and sturdier every day.  Even so, she’s still a snuggle bug.  And lately she LOVES to bounce!  Bouncing baby girl I guess!

Big girl!

Well this bouncing baby girl has enough bows to last her a lifetime!  I bought a few soft ones in every color of the rainbow and then we have been gifted many, many more.  She mostly leaves them on if you put them on her, but I only do so for special occasions.  I was storing them all in a box on her dresser, but that very quickly started overflowing.  Now I only keep little clip on bow in the box, and I made a hanging holder for the rest of her bows.  I wanted something that looked like a basket of flowers and was easy to hang on the wall.  I came up with this holder, using some leftover hoops that I was contemplating using for Patricia’s mobile.  The holder does the job nicely and holds a lot of bows! If you were so inclined you could use the same sort of thing for a bow-tie holder.

Bow holder on the wall, box filled with socks on right, and clip on bow holder on left.

Baby Hair Bow Holder

What you’ll need:

  1. Wrap the square of fabric around your large hoop, by snipping from the edge of the fabric close to the hoop.  Pin in the center
  2. Using a zipper foot, stitch around the inside of the hoop, very close to the hoop itself.  Make sure to stitch through both layers of fabric to secure the fabric on the hoop and form a circle. 
  3. Place your large circle on top of your smaller circle, with the smaller circle 1″ below the rim of the smaller circle.  Cut a slit in fabric over the center of the  smaller circle up to the rim of the smaller circle itself. 
  4. Cut several more slits up to the other edges of the smaller circle.
  5. Wrap the fabric around the smaller circle so the smaller circle is empty and pin in place.  
  6. Using the zipper foot again, stitch very close to the outside of the smaller circle.
  7. Thread the cording through a tapestry needle. Stitch through the fabric, close to the outside edge of the smaller circle, then directly across the circle, and back down through the outside of the other edge.  
  8. Pull the elastic to a new spot and begin the process again, semi randomly weaving the elastic to form a spiderweb.  When you are satisfied with your spiderweb, knot the two unfinished ends of elastic together.
  9. Thread tapestry needle with scrap ribbon and poke through the top of the holder (wherever you deem the top to be).  Knot to use as hanger.

    Patricia’s room sporting her new bow holder.

    The finished product looks like a dream catcher…

    To hang bows, shove them between the elastic, so the tension in the elastic holds them in place.



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