Snack Attack

Happy Earth Day!

Julius was dancing to the Captain Planet theme song this afternoon and it made me smile.  I think we all need to channel our inner Greta Thurnberg and more openly speak out for our planet, not just today but every day!  I want my child to be able to experience the same wonderful world I did with the same assortment of beautiful plants and wildlife, abundance of food and clean water and safe breathable air.  Oh and bees, did I mention bees?!

Among everyone I talk to on a daily basis there is a strong opinion that “my actions won’t offset the actions of the rest of the world.”  To that comment I always respond, “if everyone thinks that way, they certainly won’t.”  We all have to stop thinking in such defeatist terms.  Just one person role modeling small actions to save the planet can set off a cascade of others becoming green, even if it is in small ways.  For example, just last week one of the parents at daycare asked about Julius’ diapers.  They are having another child and wanted to know what kind of diapers we use and where we got them.  Whether or not they choose to go cloth, you cannot believe the joy I had in sharing that note about diapers!  Then this morning my co-worker told me he uses the reusable snack bag I made him for Christmas every single day.  I gave him a high five (and probably would have given him a bear hug if there wasn’t a crowd in the hallway).  I can’t make this stuff up, you really can make a difference.  Think of what you do to reduce your impact on our beautiful planet and spread the word!  No action is too small!

So that snack bag I mentioned?  You may remember that I mentioned after Christmas that I made my friends at work reusable utensil sets!  Well I also made them matching reusable snack bags to go along with them!  They are similar to the lunch skins sandwich sized bags and are made with food safe PUL (I used Eco PUL).

The utensil/bag set I made for Roger and Amy!

Reusable Snack Bag

What you’ll need:

  • 16″x7″ Eco PUL or other food safe PUL
  • 16×7″ cotton fabric of your choice
  • 7″ of 3/4″ velcro hook and loop fastener
  1. Fold cotton fabric, right sides together, into a 7×7″ pocket with a 2″ flap.  Pin along sides of pocket.  Repeat for PUL (shiny side in).
  2. Using a size 10 needle, stitch sides of bag (not the flap side) using 1/4″ seam allowance.
  3. Turn the cotton pocket right side out and place inside the PUL pocket.  Pin along the top front of the bag.  Stitch.
  4. Turn the bag right side out (cotton outside, PUL inside).  Mark where the velcro needs to go.
  5. Open the bag out again, stitch hook side of the velcro in place (only through cotton).  Turn bag right side out again.
  6. Fold the sides of the flap under 1/4″ on the cotton and the PUL  so the unfinished edges of PUL and cotton are sandwiched inside.  Pin and stitch.
  7. Pin the top front of the bag.  Stitch.
  8. Fold the unfinished edge of the flap down twice to form a double fold hem.  Pin and stitch.
  9. Stitch the loop tape portion of the velcro to the edge of the flap.
  10. Snack away!

Thanks for reading. I hope you’ll think about all the ways you can help lower your environmental impact this Earth day and every day.  Please tell me in the comments below what you do to reduce your impact to Mother Earth and you will be entered into a random drawing to win a reusable utensil and sandwich bag set!  Drawing will be held on May 20th.

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9 Responses to Snack Attack

  1. Erin Collins says:

    We are doing cloth diapers, we recently bought a drying rack to dry some of our laundry, and we have reusable grocery bags. The reusable sandwich bag is genius. Much more convenient than Tupperware.

  2. Will (Husband) says:

    I clean and re-use my plastic utensils when I eat at my cafeteria at work!

    I hope I win!

  3. Mark says:

    I pack our lunches with Tupperware instead of sandwich baggies. We also do cloth diapers and hang dry our clothes instead of using our dryer.

    Also, hope I win! This adorable baggie would fit better in my work bag than the Tupperware! :)

  4. Andrew says:

    We compost and recycle what we can, which reduces our trash, and we use reusable grocery bags. Plastic grocery bags are actually banned now in Gloucester, which helped us make that change.

    • lexicolton says:

      Wow!! I had no idea. That is awesome! Were residents upset about it? How long did it take to change your other habits? I have so many questions…

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