Yum Potatoes

I have a lot of pet names for the kids.  Patricia-licia, Julius-oolious, bunny, goosey, buddy, snuggle bug etc.  Patricia sometimes objects to me calling her one thing or the other “I’m not buddy!  I’m Patricia!”  But the problem is I use them interchangably so often that I sometimes end up calling random co-workers, “bud” or, worse, “bunny”.  Worse though is that frequently I refer to Will as “Dada” in public.  For instance, “hey Dada can you get me that?”  Weirder yet is that Will and I both refer to ourselves in the third person now, for instance “Mama doesn’t like that.” Or “Dada will help you with that”.  It’s extra weird (creepy) when we accidentally do it in public when our kids aren’t around.

This past weekend we were supposed to go camping.  I booked a place in a state campground that was only 30 minutes away, got out all the camping supplies, set up the tent to make sure nothing was missing and planned to take off work an hour early to set up camp on Friday.  Then last Thursday the weather forecast was showing 80% chance of rain and thunderstorms so we cancelled the reservation last minute.  But by this point we had the kids all jazzed up for camping.  Will had the brilliant idea to instead pitch the tent in our basement, and cook some camp meals on the screen porch.  So we did!  We cooked corn on the cob and hot dogs (on skewers so the kids could help “cook” them) on the camp grill and served it with watermelon.  I also made some microwave tiny baked potatoes because they are delicious – more on that later.

We roasted marshmallows for s’mores over the camp grill and then turned in for the night in our tent in the basement.  The tent took up our entire basement.  It was huge.  Honestly, it really didn’t fit.  We then told “ghost stories” of which Julius told a very long tale about a person who was being haunted by a ghost complete with some masterful use of spooky lighting with the lantern.  Will told a story of a friendly ghost.  I told a story that was a retelling of “Splat the Cat What was That” with different names.  The lantern was passed from story teller to story teller.  After we’d told our stories, I asked Patricia if she wanted to tell a story and she very seriously said “yeah” and took the lantern.

Her story started with, “This story is about a pumpkin” followed by an extremely long pause (perhaps to indicate the end of the story) to which I asked, “is there more?”  And she said “Oh it’s not scary.  Once upon a boy or once upon a girl, a dinosaur keeps biting people”.  When I asked what happened to the pumpkin she said “oh it got bited.”  “By the dinosaur?” “No.  By something. I don’t know what.”  To which Julius declared “this is getting too spooky” and decided to retire to bed.

Okay back to these potatoes.  I love these potatoes from the “little potato company”.  They are super delicious and because you make them in the microwave they are like the easiest side ever.  The thing I don’t love about them is they come wrapped in two types of plastic in a single use container.  We’re still fighting the good fight to limit our purchase of plastics, one “you’re weird” look at a time.  (Most looks we’ve gotten are by bringing our own bowls to the ice cream shop and order cones so we don’t need to get styrofoam bowls.  We’ve gotten a few looks but honestly I feel like a hipster when I do it and I’m cool with that.)  Unfortunately we aren’t exactly winning the fight.  Any chance to cut down on plastics though is still a win.

My version of the potatoes is just as quick – but instead of a single use container I use a gallon stand up stasher bag.  You could also use another microwave safe container with a lid you can put loosely on.  In addition the recipe below makes two servings of the spices so they take even less time the next time you make them!  Also I’m sorry the picture is so bad.  Will suggested I jazz it up.

I didn’t have a good photo. Bee and rabbit not to scale.

Lemon Garlic Parsley Potatoes


  • 1 lb of tiny red potatoes or tiny yukon gold potatoes
  • 1/2tsp ascorbic acid
  • ½ tsp sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1tsp onion powder
  • 1tsp dried parsley
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2tsp dried minced onion
  • ½ tsp dried minced garlic
  • 2 tbsp oil

Wash potatoes and place in gallon stasher bag (or another container with loose fitting lid) close zipper of bag halfway.  (Note:  no need to dry the potatoes before putting them in the bag.)   Microwave on high 5 minutes.

While the potatoes are in the science oven, mix together all the rest of the ingredients except the oil.

Carefully remove potatoes from microwave and open container (be careful of steam). Test potatoes for done-ness using a fork.  If they are not soft, microwave in 1 min increments until done.  (Mine took 10 minutes both times but we have an ancient microwave.)

Once potatoes are done, let potatoes sit for 2-4 minutes in the bag.  Drain any water that has accumulated.  Toss with half of the seasoning mix and 2Tbsp olive oil.

Eat those spuds!


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6 Responses to Yum Potatoes

  1. Matt says:

    Stories from 2- and 3-year-olds are the best. Here’s a recent gem from Shoshana:
    “One monkey jumping on the bed, it fell off and bonk its head. Mama call the doctor, and the doctor said: Don’t jump off the bed there are people there you gunna be hurt. Don’t stand just sit okay and you be safe. But the monkey said okay. And the doctor said okay yeah good job. What’s your name? It’s Nora, what’s your name? Purple Shoshi. Oh okay.”

    And for good measure and fairness, here’s a quote from Nora:
    “My pants are too tight, they’re making my DNA hurt.”

  2. Maren says:

    I hope you keep a running quote list with their best said gems! Also, thanks for the recipe- we’re growing potatoes this year and those sound great, can’t wait to try them!

  3. Will says:

    Excellent job jazzing up the photo of potatoes!

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